All in Theology

Martin Luther’s followers want to call his movement a Reformation when in fact it was a rebellion against the One True Church instituted by Jesus Christ. Luther rejected Jesus telling us that He established His One Church on the foundation of the twelve apostles and that St. Peter was the Rock upon which He would build his Church. He rejected his oaths to God that he would be obedient to the Church and to the Authority of the Pope. Based on a false premise, he instituted a new church and proclaimed that all authority in the Church comes from the ‘Bible Alone’.

People can identify themselves as a university student, a police officer, a next door neighbour, someone’s son or daughter, husband or wife but not have an understanding of who they are as a person. Can they answer for themselves; Where did I come from? What is the purpose of my life? Is there a life after death? Why is there evil in the world? Is there such a thing as objective truth or true justice? Are there consequences for my actions in this life? If so, who will be my judge? Do I believe in God?