This blog brings to surface the current threats against the Catholic Church and defends The Church via well-researched articles.

Deceitful Pro-Abortion Politicians

The introduction of oral contraceptives in the 1960’s was hailed as liberation for women. In reality, it became liberation for predatory men seeking inconsequential sex. Never before in history have women been more demeaned through pornography and subjected to sexual harassment and assaults. Along with abortion, artificial contraception facilitates the sex trafficking of women and children.  As predicted by pro-lifers from the beginning the wide scale acceptance of abortion has led to infanticide. Through Pat Mahoney’s research into late term abortions in Canada from the Canadian Institute for Health Information, freedom of information, found that in 2018, 150 babies were born alive and then killed. These statistics are for hospitals only, abortions in clinics are not included. One of the arguments used to justify abortion is the incidences of women becoming pregnant as a result of rape. However, statistics regarding abortion in the case of rape reveal that they represent about .04% of total abortions, which in Canada would be less than 1 in 200,000. When Dr. Sandra Mahkorn studied the issue she discovered that, “75 - 85% of pregnant rape victims chose not to abort but rather to keep their babies.”

When a man is confronted with the unwanted pregnancy of his partner, he blames the woman for recklessness in her use of contraception. He can then coerce her to have an abortion which is paid for with our tax dollars. These circumstances could explain, in part, why 30 % of abortions are sought by women for a second or third child, thus making abortion the backup for failed contraception.  

In 1969 the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the laws governing abortion. In that decision the justices departed from the rule of law and applied personal opinions to cater to a political agenda. They invented a new right which is not found in “The Charter of Rights and Freedoms” that a woman has a right to privacy and the security of person. Based on this premise they declare that she has the right to abortion. No governing party since that time has been successful in creating any laws that would protect unborn children. A woman can have her child killed at any time during the nine months of her pregnancy. This includes partial birth abortions where the child is killed before he has completely exited the mother’s womb.

Canada is the only democratic country in the world with no legislation to protect unborn children or for the protection of women against being coerced into having an abortion. Canada murders almost 100,000 babies through abortion every year. These helpless baby Canadians are not given the choice for life but are considered non-persons until they have been born. Only then are they considered citizens entitled to have legal rights.

Canadian women are not legally entitled to the information necessary to enable them to give informed consent for an abortion. They are not given the opportunity of viewing an ultrasound image of the baby, nor are they made aware of what is involved in the abortion procedure. Abortionists used to promote them as therapeutic abortions, a term which means a procedure for healing. The tearing apart of an unborn baby and its extraction from the womb with a vacuum can hardly be called therapeutic. Nor, do women have protection against being coerced to abort their babies.  Deprived of protection, these women become second victims of abortion. The Population Research Institute of America did a survey discovering that nearly 75% of women who had abortions claimed they felt pressured into it, either by the child's father (30%) or others.  

Currently, in Canada a pregnant woman has the right to kill her unborn child but does not have legal protection against her child being killed by others or through coercion by others. In the event where a pregnant woman is assaulted and the assault causes the death of her unborn child, the perpetrator can be charged for the assault on her but can’t be charged for murdering her child. In China women are subjected to forced abortions under its limited child policy. Whether forced by the government or coerced by a delinquent father the end result is an unwanted abortion.

When so called pro-choice politicians are willing to ignore the facts contained herein, you will know that they are deceiving you when they say that they are championing the rights of women. Instead, they are throwing women under the bus in order to support delinquent fathers and others who abuse women to serve their own interests?

This pretended concern for women is used by many politicians especially during election campaigns. Some will deceive you by saying that they are personally opposed to abortion, “but”. Others deceive you when they tell you that they respect the right of a woman to control her own body, as if the child in her womb does not have a body of his own. They don’t want to follow the science which proves that a human being comes into existence at the time of conception. These false champions of women’s rights count on you being ignorant of the evils perpetrated upon women when politicians refuse to enact laws for their protection. They are hypocrites just like the hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees to whom Jesus said, “Woe to you…hypocrites, because you are like whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men’s bones and of all filthiness.” (Matt. 23:27). He then says to them, “You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgement of hell?” (Matt. 23:33). To believe in God is to believe that after our death there will be a judgement resulting in the reward of heaven or a sentence to hell for eternity.

For those of us from whom belief in God has not been driven out, we must not only refuse to vote for pro-death politicians but actively work for their removal from government. To vote for a politician who insists on maintaining the status quo as presented here, is to participate in the spilling of innocent blood and the desecration of women. God says to us, “I put before you, life and death, choose life.” To escape being sentenced to hell, we should always “Choose Life”


Dr. Sandra Mahkorn – “Rape Incest and Abortion, Searching Beyond The Myths”

Scripture – Douay Rheims Version

Fanning The Flames of Bigotry Toward Catholics

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Pro-Death Dictator