All in Abortion

There is no legal right to abortion under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but that doesn’t stop Mr. Trudeau from making the declaration by his own decree. While he generously allows Canadians to believe whatever they want, if they interfere with his beliefs then there are going to be consequences. People of conscience in Canada have been put on notice that if they defy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau they will be considered second class citizen who can be discriminated against and punished at his pleasure.

Canada is the only democratic country in the world with no legislation to protect unborn children or for the protection of women against being coerced into having an abortion. Canada murders almost 100,000 babies through abortion every year. These helpless baby Canadians are not given the choice for life but are considered non-persons until they have been born. Only then are they considered citizens entitled to have legal rights.

It's clear from the candidates’ comments, that none of the candidates is competent to engage in the discussion on abortion, let alone provide any justification for the stand that they are so eager to embrace. It would benefit them greatly to care enough to become educated about some facts regarding abortions in Canada.